Summer Ayurveda Tips

1422396_10152637828656928_8734331266362547762_nAyurveda Tips for Summer

 As we spend more time outside playing in the heat I thought you could use some ayurveda tips for staying cool this summer.

 1. Eat more cooling foods – cucumber, salads, watermelon, mint, coriander…

2. Try shitali breath – curl your tongue into an o shape and inhale through your tongue and exhale through your nose. Try 10 – 15 breaths and notice the cooling effects.

3. Take time to rest between your postures to cool down pitta. Try a Sivananda, Restorative, Yin or Hatha practice.

4. Take cooler water or enjoy the cooling benefits of coconut water.

5. Enjoy abhyanga or self massage with the coconut oil which is better to use in the summer for its cooling properties.

 Here is my simple summer drink this year for cooling down.

 Watermelon Basil Cooler

1 seedless watermelon

5 or 6 big leaves of  basil to taste

a bit of ice



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